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A Nonprofit Organization


Women Confronting Racism Mission: To help white women examine our own implicit and explicit biases which enable and reinforce systemic cultural racism within our families and communities

For centuries Black lives have been, and continue to be, devalued, denied,
disrespected, threatened and extinguished with impunity in our country. As a
nation, we must dismantle systems of structural racism which marginalize and
oppress Black people. Now is the time to join in solidarity around our common

Therefore, Women Confronting Racism:

• Unites with those seeking justice for the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud
Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and so many other known and unknown victims of
police violence.
• Commits to the long struggle to end unjust policies and systemic racism
• Stands with all those who name and denounce police brutality, white
supremacy, and language which divides, belittles and intimidates.
• Pledges to address the violence of white privilege and to create a world in
which all are treated with dignity and respect.


Black Lives Matter

WCR conducts relevant programs both for the public and for members only


A curated list of  books, videos, articles, podcasts and more

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